Aurora, Colorado, is under siege by a violent Venezuelan gang known as Tren de Aragua (TdA), which has reportedly taken control of an apartment complex, leaving residents terrified for their safety. The gang, which has its roots in Venezuelan prisons, has brought its criminal operations to the United States, with Aurora being one of its latest targets.
The Edge apartment complex at 1568 Nome St., near Colfax and Peoria, has become a stronghold for the gang. Videos circulating on social media show gang members openly carrying firearms as they patrol the hallways, creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. Cindy Romero, a resident, described her living situation as a “nightmare,” explaining how she and her husband had to fortify their apartment with multiple locks and security measures just to feel somewhat safe.
The city of Aurora has stepped in, citing several code violations at the complex and moving to close it down. CBZ Management, which oversees The Edge, has expressed frustration, stating that the gang’s presence has made it impossible to conduct necessary maintenance.
Aurora police have acknowledged the gang’s presence but have downplayed the extent of their influence, calling it “isolated.” However, residents like Romero feel the danger is very real and pervasive. The gang is known for its involvement in violent crimes such as human trafficking, drug smuggling, and extortion, activities that have now reached the streets of Aurora.
City Council member Danielle Jurinsky has criticized the lack of support for the residents trapped in these conditions, pointing out that while assistance is available for migrants, American citizens are left without help.
The situation in Aurora is a grim example of the impact that transnational criminal organizations can have on local communities. As residents flee the complex in search of safety, the need for stronger measures to combat such gangs becomes increasingly urgent.