Editorial Guidelines

With hundreds upon thousands of news publications out there, it should not come as a surprise that not all pay the same attention to establishing strong editorial guidelines and policies to guide their everyday operations. We are proud to share some of our policy and to reiterate a very important point – anyone who fails to comply will not remain a member of our team.

Ethical Principles

While we believe in the first amendment, the right to free speech, and the freedom of the press, we also understand how important these statements are. While we have the right, we also have a significant amount of responsibility that we can’t take for granted. Our rights do not protect us from consequence. Therefore, it’s important that we are secure in our facts – that way, even if there is opinionated blowback, we can rest easy knowing we’re doing what’s right in our reporting.

Rules of Conduct

Our team is expected to conduct itself professionally at all times. This means avoiding conflict, acting ethically, and remaining truthful.


Each member of our team is held accountable for their own actions, whether part of a group or acting of their own accord. Any conflicts of interest must be immediately reported to management so that appropriate action can be taken or disclosures made.

Respect for All

We respect our audience, our peers, our sources, and even those involved in each of our stories. We protect our sources as appropriate (and legal), and we cover sensitive issues with the delicate nature they deserve.

Contact Conservative America Today

Do you think we’re doing a good enough job? Think we have room for improvement? Did you find something you wish we’d cover more? Uncover a mistake we made? Please reach out and let us know. We’re dedicated to building relationships and remaining transparent. We’ll take the appropriate steps to make and disclose corrections.

Last updated April 21, 2024