Laurence Fox Summons MP Resignation Over Calls For Censorship

Actor Laurence Fox didn’t mince words when he called for Caroline Dinenage’s resignation as chairwoman of the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee. Dinenage and a flock of other Members of Parliament following her lead recently pressured Rumble to nix Russell Brand’s spot on the platform. Rumble has not caved to their pressure.

Brand has come under fire following the uprising of several allegations of misconduct and inappropriate behavior. Boasting a storied past, Brand has always been fairly outspoken about his relationships with women — in and out of the bedroom. But does that mean he’s harmed any of them?

In response to Dinenage, Rumble came to the defense of every person using their platform, attesting, “Rumble stands for very different values. We have devoted ourselves to the vital cause of defending a free internet — meaning an internet where no one arbitrarily dictates which ideas can or cannot be heard, or which citizens may or may not be entitled to a platform.”

In a bold move with what many might call a heavy dose of virtue signaling, YouTube suspended Brand from monetizing his account on their site on Tuesday. The tech giant’s response to the accusations sends a message that it’s acceptable to take away someone’s income based on what could be mere idle gossip — or outright lies.

Fox feels strongly that Brand — and all others living under a liberal democracy — are entitled to be treated as innocent until proven guilty. Instead, the court of public opinion has weighed in heavily over the last week on claims that Brand has crossed unspeakable boundaries.

But conservatives are concerned that those boundaries have little to do with bodily autonomy and respect for another person’s right to say no, and much more to do with lines the establishment doesn’t want crossed. Brand routinely rebuffs said boundaries, and laps up praise doing so.

Fox echoed conservatives’ concerns, noting, “any media organization which doesn’t parrot the climate emergency, gender-bending, cancel culture, surveillance state is going to be shut down.”

Media outlets are lining up to keep record of which celebrity friends are in Brand’s corner and which are distancing themselves from the comedian, who is known for going against the grain of left-wing ideologies. Regardless of the ultimate verdict on Brand’s private life past, conservatives would do well to migrate to platforms like Rumble while they still can.